diff --git a/CheckGateway.ps1 b/CheckGateway.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5a128cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CheckGateway.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+$IP = (Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.IPEnabled}).DefaultIPGateway
+$MACAddressList = (Get-NetNeighbor -State Reachable)
+foreach ($item in $MACAddressList) {
+$AdresseIP = $item.IPAddress
+$AdresseMAC = $item.LinkLayerAddress
+if ($IP -contains $AdresseIP){$GatewayMac = $AdresseMAC ; $GatewayIP = $AdresseIP}
+$PublicIP = ((Resolve-DnsName -Name myip.opendns.com -Server resolver1.opendns.com).IPAddress)
+$MacFreebox = "F4-CA-E5","00-07-CB","00-24-D4","14-0C-76","34-27-92","68-A3-78","70-FC-8F","8C-97-EA","E4-9E-12"
+$MacLivebox = "00-37-B7"
+$MacApple = "BC-B8-63"
+$MacXiaomi = "E0-CC-F8"
+$MacFortinet = "08-5B-0E"
+$MacSplit = $GatewayMac -split "-"
+$MacPrefix = $MacSplit[0] + "-" + $MacSplit[1] + "-" + $MacSplit[2]
+$Router = (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "https://api.macvendors.com/$MacPrefix").Content
+$ShodanLink = "https://api.shodan.io/shodan/host/" + $PublicIP + "?key=9r6vVczYqYGR9F3WADASttMPt6fqK2Mm"
+$Shodan = Invoke-RestMethod -uri $ShodanLink
+$ISP = $Shodan.isp
+if ($Router -eq ""){"Gateway vendor is unknown ($GatewayMac). `nLocal IP is $AdresseIP. `nPublic IP is $PublicIP."}
+Write-Host "Gateway vendor is $Router ($GatewayMac). `nLocal IP is $AdresseIP. `nPublic IP is $PublicIP ($ISP)."}
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 815dcbb..8aca070 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,2 +1,57 @@
-# CheckGateway
+# Check Gateway - RMM script
+That script is made for RMM using like Solarwinds MSP, NinjaRMM or others.
+## How it works ?
+First, the script gets the gateway's IP address :
+`$LocalIP = (Get-WmiObject Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration | Where-Object {$_.IPEnabled}).DefaultIPGateway`
+Then, with the IP address, the script gets the MAC address of the gateway :
+`$MacAddress = ((Get-NetNeighbor -IPAddress $LocalIP).LinkLayerAddress)`
+And the public IP address with opendns.com :
+`$PublicIP = ((Resolve-DnsName -Name myip.opendns.com -Server resolver1.opendns.com).IPAddress)`
+Next, we got arrays containing the MAC addresses by manufacturer :
+$MacFreebox = "F4-CA-E5","00-07-CB","00-24-D4","14-0C-76","34-27-92","68-A3-78","70-FC-8F","8C-97-EA","E4-9E-12"
+$MacLivebox = "00-37-B7"
+$MacApple = "BC-B8-63"
+$MacXiaomi = "E0-CC-F8"
+The script cuts the MAC address of the gateway by 3 groups (bytes) :
+$MacSplit = $MacAddress -split "-"
+$MacPrefix = $MacSplit[0] + "-" + $MacSplit[1] + "-" + $MacSplit[2]
+Next, compares the MAC addresses with arrays :
+if($MacFreebox -contains $MacPrefix)
+{$Router = "a Freebox"}
+elseif($MacLivebox -contains $MacPrefix)
+{$Router = "a Livebox"}
+elseif($MacApple -contains $MacPrefix)
+{$Router = "an Apple device"}
+elseif($MacXiaomi -contains $MacPrefix)
+{$Router = "a Xiaomi device"}
+else # If router is unknown
+{$Router = "Unknown"}
+And give the result of the comparison :
+if ($Router -like 'Unknown') # In the case router is unknown
+{Write-Host "Router is unknown ($MacAddress). Maybe a randomized MAC address" ; exit 1}
+{Write-Host "Gateway is $Router ($MacAddress). `nLocal IP is $LocalIP. `nPublic IP is $PublicIP." ; exit 0}