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title | redirect | published |
News releases | https://movim.am-networks.fr/?node/pubsub.am-networks.fr/am-networks | false |
The admin's note, PGP signed
Lire en Français - Last update : March 25th, 2021
Hi all !
It has been a while since I last heard from you. I hope all is well for you and your loved ones in this still uncertain time. For my part, I am continuing the optimizations on the AM Networks infra, which also explains the few minutes of unavailability of the infra on Tuesday evening. YH1 is now on a dedicated network, isolated from the home network. All the NAT rules have obviously been put in place and I am now working on IPv6. It's going to take a little while, but it should work out eventually.
Good luck everyone and see you soon!