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[*Pour lire ce README en Français, cliquez ici.*](https://gogs.am-networks.fr/AMNetworks/PasswordGenerator-PHP/src/master/LISEZMOI.md)
# Password generator based on PHP and Javascript
This is a web password generator.
To make it work, you just have to get the index_en.php and getpwd.php files and upload them to your web server, in your folder / subdomain intended for this purpose.
You will also need to rename index_en.php to index.php.
## index_en.php file
This file is the interactive password generation page.
It offers a button to generate a new password.
This page includes responsive design, i.e. it adapts to the format of your screen (PC / mobile / tablet).
## getpwd.php file
This file is used for use from another tool via a query. It only returns the generated password, without formatting.
Written completely in PHP, the only source code returned is the generated password.
## AM Networks instance
Want to test the generator directly at home?
[Discover my test instance!](https://services.am-networks.fr/pwdgen/index_en.php)
This instance is updated by GitLab every minute to offer realtime code experience.